
Hi I'm Brad.  I love photography and I love the outdoors, and that's probably not too hard to figure out either.  One area that has intrigued me is the fast growth of the internet and the amount of tools that are available for photographers.  Keeping all your photos, editing them, and having a website to showcase yourself and your work is amazing.  It allows you to keep up with others in the industry, network and market yourself and your work.  There is however a steep learning curve when it comes to understanding and learning how to take advantage of all of this.  One of the biggest areas is owning a physical domain on the web, and all that comes with that.  Therefore, on this blog you'll find all my ramblings and information involving websites, and more importantly, the tasks of maintaining and managing one.  Website maintenance is the biggest area for concern because without it, it's like letting the grass and weeds overtake your yard, and nobody wants to see that!  If you want to own a website, for whatever reason, you're going to need to understand what is involved to keep it up to date, and decide whether that task is for you, or better left to the professionals.  Look forward to seeing you around, take care!


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